ライセンス #: 30SC0454701 - NY / The Schamel TeamでのAssociate Broker


I am Vivian "Vicki" D Schamel; I have been a Realtor for over 30 years. I become a Realtor at first so that I could have a flexible work schedule as a young mother to raise my then two young daughters. Real Estate quickly became not only a career but a passion. I am always inspired when buyers and sellers obtain their goals and dream of homeownership. My motto is “together we can make it happen.” Let me help you make your dreams come true, here in the Southern Tier & Finger Lakes Region of NY.

言語 English
専門分野と指定 Luxury, Associate Broker
マーケットセンター Southern Tier and Finger Lakes
Vicki Schamel
Associate Broker 30SC0454701
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